Thursday, May 6, 2010

1000 Question For Couples

Michael Webb estimate that 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions, preferably before they married. Everyone has perceptions about the world around them, core values and priorities which are important to us. For two people to get along together at an intimate level, there must be compatibility where it counts. Far better to find this out before living together than to feel the pain of separation or divorce afterward.


Some question that we need to know our partners are:
  1. What does my family do that annoys you?
  2. Is it ever appropriate for someone to express anger in a physical way? If so,
    when and how?
  3. If a fire destroyed your home and all of your belongings, what would you do? If
    you could take out three things before the blaze, what would they be? (Assuming
    there is no one in the house at the time of the fire.)
  4. When you are sick and feeling poorly, do you like to be alone or do you like to
    be pampered and have someone close to your side most of the time?
  5. Do you think you would prefer a calm, loving, consistent marriage or one that
    was full of excitement, wild times and rocky patches?
  6. What makes you feel secure and safe?
  7. What rituals could be added to our relationship on a daily, weekly, monthly and
    yearly basis that would help us to remain close?
  8. Do you need to hear “I love you” or similar words on a regular basis from your
  9. Which do you think should have the final say in decisions – logic or emotions?
  10. What five things have you done in your life that you are most proud of?
  11. If your partner had an affair, how would you react? Could you forgive him or
  12. Over the last five years how do you think you have changed for the worse?
  13. On which topics do you feel qualified at giving advice?
  14. If you could live one year of your life all over again without changing a thing,
    what year would you choose? Why?
  15. Do you prefer receiving expensive gifts or ones that come from the heart?
  16. What first attracted you to me? How has that one attraction changed since then?
  17. If you suddenly became blind, how would your idea of the perfect mate change?
  18. Are you currently comfortable with your body? If not, what would you change to
    make you comfortable?
  19. What do you think are your optimum hours of sleep to be fully energized?
  20. If you could plan any vacation for us, where would it be?
  21. Is there anyone you would be willing to die for?
  22. If your dear friends wanted you to donate sperm or eggs because they were
    infertile, would you do so? How would you feel about your mate doing so? What
    about donating them for a couple that would remain anonymous?
  23. Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world or that
    there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with?
  24. If you had to pick a different city to live in with your sweetheart and
    proximity to family and friends didn’t matter, which city would it be?
  25. If you had to take a paid sabbatical and couldn’t work for an entire year, what
    would you most like to do?
  26. If someone wanted to give you a $50 gift certificate to use on yourself, which
    store/theatre/spa would you tell him or her you wanted.
  27. If you and your spouse had two cars, one much nicer than the other, who do you
    think should drive the newer vehicle? Would it make any difference if only one
    of you worked?
  28. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing?
  29. Is there anything you feel you must accomplish before you die? What steps do you
    need to take to achieve these goals?
  30. Which family members should we buy birthday or special holidays gifts for
    (parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.)?
There are more than 30 question actually, but let us see, how many question that YOU know about him/her?

The questions are grouped into topics and cover areas such as "Personality, Feelings and Emotions" ... "Favorites" ... "Morals, Convictions and Beliefs" ... "Friends and Family" ... "Communication" ... "Money" ... "Sex" ... "Vacations" ... "Attractions" ... "Hobbies and Entertainment" and many more. Some couples have found benefit from emailing the questions to each other, while others prefer to just sit and talk face to face.

So, learning with care, knowing your partner is must!

Just enjoy and give me comments.

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